Weekly Wellness 12-3-2014


Article: How to Really Eat Like a Hunter-Gatherer: Why the Paleo Diet is Half Baked

Recipe: Braise You Way Through the Winter



Article: Run to Stay Young

Workout: Go for a run! Even if it's just around the block! Even if you can only jog at a slow pace!

For a HIIT run, alternate easy jogging with full on sprinting for 30 seconds intervals. 4-6 minutes ought to do it!

If you are  more the trail-running type, take 95th street West as far as you can until you end up in the Palos system of Cook County's Forest Preserve. There is a great 3 mile Loop they recently marked off starting from the parking area at Wolf Road Woods (see MAP). It's really nice out there, you feel like you got far away from the city, and it's only 9 miles from the hospital! Great for mountain biking, birdwatching, dogwalking, picnicking, and hiking too! Here are directions to the Wolf Road Woods parking area. Just don't eat any Amanita mushrooms while you're out there.